DNS Changes for the domain in GoDaddy

DNS Change Godaddy

Open your Godaddy’s Account.

Go to the following location in your account


Click on the DNS button for your domain.

Click on the hostname. (At the bottom of the page)

Click on the Add button (For adding the IPs).

Add the ns1 and ns2 records for the given IP as follows.

Note: Please do not forget to change 111.222.333.444 with the given IP.

After adding ns1 and ns2 records do the following steps.

Change the Name Servers.

(Go back to the DNS management of that domain and find the Nameservers section)

Old records:

New Records:



Note: Please do not forget to change yourdomain.com with your actual domain name.

Kuldeep Pawar

Kuldeep Pawar

Kuldeep is a passionate and determined entrepreneur, building internet products since 2015.
He is currently leading the marketing & product management team for Goletro Technologies.

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